Can Ch. Armada's Purple Rain, CD, AWD,SHDCH,ATChC, AD,EAC,OJ,Am CGC, Cdn Therapy Dog
Am., Can. Ch. Helm's Alee Red Right Return x Can Ch. Rainha Encapelado Helms A'Lee, CD
OFA _- Good
Optigen - A
At 10 years old, Purple attended both the Canadian and American National Specialties.
At the Canadian National Purple came home with an Award of Merit, Best Stud, Best Vetran Dog. At the American National he placed 1st in 9-11 Vetrans Sweeps, and 2nd in the National. In 2004 Purple also obtained his Working Dog Title in Water Work.
Purple's outstanding movement and excellent temperament has also been passed down in his offspring, with several Canadian Champions finished along with Group Placing and Puppy Group winning offspring. Check out Purple in the Obedience, Agilty and Water Work pages