American Champion/ Canadian Grand Champion BISS Armada's Let It Rain WWD
Ch. Armada's Ace Of Spades X Ch. Armada's Bring On The Rain
"Splash" finished his CKC Champion as a puppy and then went to the American National where he placed 1st in the 12-15 month class. Splash returned to the confirmation ring in 2014 as a Special and achieved his Grand Champion. In February 2015 we entered the Arizona shows where Splash achieved his American Championship winning 3 majors in 2 weekends
Thank you Janis Watts for awarding Splash "Select Dog" and "Award of Merit" at the 2018 PWDCA National.
Working at Courier level at Michigan Water Trial 2018
Working as Therapy Dog at U of C
Winning Best In Specialty at the PWDCC Regional Specialty in 2015